
The first two years of training consist of 13 rotation blocks (4 weeks long) at both UCLA and the West Los Angeles VA, with one block each spent at the Sepulveda VA and the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center during PGY-1.
To learn more about the clinics you can take in the third and fourth year of training, please visit our Clinics page!
Inpatient Psychiatry
Emergency Psychiatry
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
Night Float
Psychiatry Elective
Inpatient Psychiatry
- Residents do several months of inpatient psychiatry at both the UCLA Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital and the West Los Angeles VA Hospital during both PGY-1 and 2.
- Depending on the Track that the resident is in, they may spend more time at UCLA or the VA.
- Many rotations involve PGY-1 and 2 residents working alongside each other, allowing junior residents to learn from their more experienced seniors.
- Subspecialty rotations done in an inpatient setting include:
- Geriatric Psychiatry (1 block, NPH)
- Child Psychiatry (2 blocks, NPH)
Emergency Psychiatry
- Residents across all Tracks will have similar core experiences in emergency psychiatry.
- All residents will do one block of emergency psychiatry in the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, with exposure to a county population.
- Residents will do another block of emergency psychiatry at either the UCLA NPH Crisis Stabilization Unit or the VA Emergency Department, depending on their Track.
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
- All residents will do 2 blocks of C/L psychiatry in PGY-2, with this time split between the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center.
Night Float
- Residents will do a total of 6 weeks of night float, with this time being split between 2 weeks at UCLA in PGY-1, 2 weeks at UCLA in PGY-2, and 2 weeks at the VA in PGY-2.
- The 2 weeks spent on night float are paired with 2 weeks on vacation, allowing for a period of rest and readjustment.
- All residents will have a 2 week experience in Neuromodulation during PGY-1 in order to gain crucial early exposure to this rapidly developing area of psychiatry.
Psychiatry Elective
- Residents in the Mid-Wilshire and VA Tracks have a 4-week block where they can choose an elective in an area of psychiatry. Current elective offerings include:
- Olive View-DMH Urgent Care Center
- The People Concern Skid Row Clinic
- Palliative Care
- Neuromodulation
- Child CL/ER
- UCLA-Kern
- Child Partial
- Residents in the Westwood Track will have an opportunity to do their elective as part of their Y week.
- Residents in the Research Track will have additional research time in lieu of their elective.
- The ACGME requires that all psychiatry residents have 4 months of full-time experience in general medicine and primary care settings during PGY-1.
- The first rotation will be a combination of 2 weeks of VA general internal medicine wards and 2 weeks of VA geriatric medicine wards.
- The second rotation will be 4 weeks of VA emergency medicine.
- The third rotation will be 4 weeks of outpatient medicine at the Sepulveda VA Medical Center.
- The fourth rotation will be a Medicine Elective that depends on the resident’s Track, allowing for a focused medicine experience that aligns with the goals of that Track.
- The ACGME requires that all psychiatry residents have 2 months of full-time experience in neurology.
- The first month takes place during PGY-1 and is a combination of 2 weeks of VA neurology consults and 2 weeks of UCLA epilepsy monitoring unit.
- The second month involves a neurology clinic during PGY-3 or 4.